Wall Canvas vs Framed Print and More


Poster Print vs Canvas Wrapped Art vs HD Metal vs Framed Print

When making your choice in selecting which type of image and size would be most suitable for your living space, you now must decide on how you want it finished,
Poster Print, Canvas Wrapped Art, HD Metal or Framed Print.

A very common question that we get asked is, what exactly are the benefits for each particular print type and like everything, it depends on many variables such as preferences, budget and the desired interior.

We always offer you more choice and we hope that our advice, explaining some advantages and the common room settings will help you decide when the time comes.

Poster Print – Simple yet effective

Room – For the most relaxed environment (bedroom, studio)
* High print quality
* Cost effective
* Versatile, hang on any surface (window, door, fridge or ceiling)

Canvas Wrapped Art – Bring the gallery feel to your walls

Room – Artistic placing
* Maximise your wall coverage with a full image display (no mount board or frame)
* Can be placed in humid environments such as bathrooms
* Scratch and splash proof

HD Metal – Make the image come alive, with strong vibrant colours

Room – Contemporary setting
HD metal #2
* Razor sharp colour display
*100% waterproof – can even be placed outdoors
* Scratch resistant

Framed Print – Classical finished to showcase your selection, always more than just a picture

Room – Traditional and Classical environmentFramed Print

* Higher detail on textured paper
* Wood frame adds to living space interior
* Create a focal point in every room with decorative finish
So there you have it, now you just need to select the image to create your perfect wall art.